DeSaster campaign to go down in History

After Laura Loomer goes on the attack against Ron DeSantis The National Pulse says it will be a Historic campaign

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Florida Pension Fund Destroyed

Governor DeSaster destrys Florida Pension fund, Jesse Waters cracks joke

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DeSantis supportered by 1 in 4 woman

Governor DeSantis has support on only 25% of woman

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The Humiliation of Ron DeSantis

Humiliation? Is this the biggest crash in world history?

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Vivek now in second?????

DeSantis now in 3rd place behind Pro-Vax, Soros connected, Big Pharma connected millionaire, and Hindu

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Hey, wait, where is everybody going??????

Is the never Trumper RINO movement heading to Tim Scott?

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Traitor caught Lying

Governor DeSantis claims President Trump did nothing about set up on January 6th after having his social media post taken down after doing somethingContrary to DeSantis’s claims, Trump issued a video statement on Twitter during the disorder, urging protesters: “[Y]ou have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order. We have to respect our great people in law and order.” Twitter took down the video and permanently suspended Trump’s account. The video was not restored even after Elon Musk reinstated the account, though it can still be viewed in the Miller Center presidential archive.

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Trump supporter, Congressman Byron Donalds to speak in The Villages

Florida Congressman who endorsed President Trump will speak at The Villagers for Trump club August 1st

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Pillow guy discusses DeSaster campaign

Mike Lindell of My Pillow fame discusses a DeSantis presidency

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